a large ship on the water

DouroAzul - Sociedade Marítimo-Turística

Reliable, secure communication platform for staff and guests in the cruises (sea and river) in Portugal for Pluris Investment / Douro Azul.

  • 국가: 포르투갈
  • 산업: 호텔 관광 서비스업
  • 해결책: 클라우드 커뮤니케이션, 통합 커뮤니케이션

Pluris Investments is a Portuguese holding company with several businesses related to tourism in the areas of hospitality and luxury sea and river cruises.

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If I would have to qualify Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions with a few words I would say: reliable, stable and flexible.
Bruno Ribeiro, Marketing Communications Director, Pluris Investments

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