a group of people sitting in lounge chairs on a beach

Buddha Bar Hotel

Buddha Bar Hotel installed a unified communication solution for optimal client service.

  • País: França
  • Setor: Hospitalidade
  • Soluções: Soluções e Dispositivos Conectados

Established in June 2013, the Buddha Bar Hotel is a 5-star boutique hotel with 56 rooms, located in a beautiful eighteenth century mansion in the center of Paris. Buddha Bar Hotel installed a unified communication solution for optimal client service. 

Buddha Bar Hotel logo
The mobility offer really brought efficiency to our teams, allowing them to be available at any time and therefore rapidly answer our customers’ needs. Today, everyone from the concierge to the maid can connect and share information in real time
Loic Le Berre, Director General, Buddha Bar Hotel, Paris, France

Buddha Bar Hotel Customer Video



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